Saturday, 29 August 2009

Sim wide sale at Neko Wonderland!

Neko Wonderland is having a sim wide sale. Not only will her stuff be on sale, but many of the vendors as well. My own stuff will be 50% off! (Only at the Neko Wonderland Sim).

Sale is Sept 1-3.

Thread Bangers -Virus Stain-

Thread Bangers: Menu Driven Resizable, Unisex. Wear with or without socks.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Skipper Backpack

Skipper Backpack: Unisex Backpack, menu driven resizable and already includes a small and large size. Lots of goodies on this backpack. Pins, patches, lanyard, pocket full of usefull things, and a bandana wrapped around one of the arm straps.

Lorin Skin

20 Makeups to choose from, each containing many options. Hair, bald, shaved, strip. And each also comes with a free Barely Baby skin.